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Caught on video: Kids scramble as tree falls on dugout in Fair Lawn, N.J.

FAIR HAVEN, N.J. – A tree came crashing down during during a kids’ baseball game Saturday. The frightening moments were caught on video. 
It happened as the Middletown Hammers were competing against the Fair Haven Diamonds. The Hammers were on the field when the terrifying moment took place. The tree crashed on the dugout area of the bleachers at the community center fields in Fair Haven, while kids, 10 and 11, were playing. 
“It wasn’t my team, but at that moment, those are my players,” Middletown coach Garrett Van Alstyne said. 
Van Alstyne’s camera was set up to record highlights in the U.S. Amateur Baseball League game. Video shows him running toward the dugout. 
“The Fair Haven boys, some of them were getting pretty emotional there. You could see them visibly shaking. It was scary,” he said. 
“Two juveniles, ages 10 or 11, were hit with branches. Some abrasions on top of the head, nothing major. First aid check them out, along with patrols, and they refused medical attention, and their parents were here with them, so after that they were released,” Lt. Stephen Schneider of the Fair Haven Police said. 
Van Alstyne’s son was on the field too, and rushed to the dugout. 
“I did thank him afterwards for going in and checking to see if he could help anyone. I was very proud of him at that point,” he said. 
Crews have since taken away the bleachers and tree branches.
Van Alstyne said falling tree branches aren’t something coaches usually fear in a baseball game. 
“Hitting another player, or getting hit with a pitch coming in, or a line drive. Those are the injuries you fear, not a tree coming down on a dugout,” he said. 
He said before the tree came down, some people heard cracking noises but no one thought anything of it. Fair Haven police said there were no complaints about the tree, and the homeowners on the other side of the fence will take of what’s left of it. 
